Trading futures and stocks can be compared to navigating different terrains. Stocks are like hiking up a steady trail, where progress comes gradually with time and patience. Futures, on the other hand, involve exploring unpredictable landscapes—sometimes moving quickly over volatile ground, and other times requiring careful planning for longer-term strategies. While stocks often cater to slow and steady growth, futures …
Futures Trading’s Shift from Open Outcry to Digital
Picture going from using a manual typewriter to making the switch to a modern computer. They’re significantly different, right? This distinct shift is comparable to the transition from open outcry pits to current digital platforms within futures trading. Although both present their advantages and drawbacks, this evolution has not only altered the way that trades are executed, but also the …
Reading the Pitch—How to Up Your Trade Discipline
Developing strong discipline as a trader is similar to the strategic approach utilized by baseball players when they step up to the plate. Accomplished hitters enter the batter’s box ready with a gameplan, identifying which pitches to attack or lay off of. They have a keen understanding of a pitcher’s tendencies through analyzing past at-bats, helping them to anticipate a …