
Why Adequate Funding is Key to Trading Success

August 21,2024 @10:17 AM

At EdgeClear, we prioritize traders’ journey towards long-term success, beginning with a vital aspect: the size of your trading account. The initial funding you choose will likely play a pivotal role in shaping your trading experience and outcomes. Within this article, we will explore why the amount you choose to fund with is more than just a number—it is a strategic decision that can have a large impact on how you are able to navigate the markets. I will also touch on why it is crucial to aim to fund as close to our recommended minimums, if not more, along with examples that illustrate these concepts further.

Increased Flexibility

Having a well-funded trading account provides a key advantage: increased flexibility.  This allows you to manage trades and take advantage of market opportunities without the constant worry of hitting margin calls or falling below the day trading margin, which would require you to refund the account. This flexibility is a cornerstone of effective trading, allowing you to navigate the markets with more confidence and agility.

When your account is sufficiently funded, you can:

  1. Enter and Exit Trades More Efficiently: A well-funded account allows you to enter and exit positions as needed without being restricted by low margins. This means you can take advantage of sudden market movements and avoid being forced out of a position due to insufficient funds. Having the ability to act quickly in response to market changes may help to enhance your trading outcomes.
  2. Maintain Open Positions: With higher funds, you can maintain your positions longer, giving your trades the necessary time to reach their full potential profit targets. This helps to reduce the risk of being closed prematurely due to margin calls or breaching risk rules at your brokerage. Maintaining your positions for longer holding periods can lead to more well-aligned trades for your trading plan.
  3. Adjust Strategies Quickly: More capital enables you to quickly adjust your trading strategies based on evolving market conditions. By doing this, you’re allowing yourself to implement and explore new tactics without the constraints of a tight account balance, encouraging more dynamic trading.

Risk Management

A higher account balance allows for stronger risk management and the ability to withstand market volatility better. It reduces the likelihood of forced liquidations and gives you a cushion against unexpected market movements. Effective risk management is essential to a long-term trading career and can be significantly enhanced by adequate funding. 

Effective risk management includes:

  • Avoiding Forced Liquidations: When your account is well-funded, you are less likely to experience forced liquidations which can happen when your equity falls below the required margin level. Forced liquidations can result in significant losses and missed opportunities, disrupting your trading strategy. 
  • Withstanding Market Volatility: Markets can be highly volatile, and a higher account balance can help you weather these fluctuations without being forced out of positions at unfavorable times. This added stability can give you the power to hold onto your trades during market downturns, potentially giving them time to recover.
  • Implementing Stop-Loss Strategies: With more funds, you can stick to your stop-loss strategies without the fear of not being able to re-enter the market. As a trader, the ability to take advantage of as many trading opportunities as you can is crucial.
  • The ability to position an entry: While many traders see execution as something that happens at a specific level, the market trades in “zones” in my opinion. Being better capitalized means that I can work more than one order to position myself better within a trading zone or to take multiple attempts on the same trading idea or setup.

Moreover, having a proper account balance allows you to allocate more capital to each trade while still maintaining a healthy diversification. This way, even if one trade incurs a loss, the impact on your overall portfolio is minimized, thereby preserving your trading capital for future opportunities. By avoiding forced liquidations, withstanding market volatility, and implementing stop-loss strategies, you can get a stronger footing for the markets with stronger confidence and resilience.

Access to More Opportunities

A well-funded account allows you the opportunity to diversify your trading strategies and positions. This can enable you to participate in multiple trades simultaneously and not miss out on potentially profitable opportunities. Diversification is a fundamental principle in trading, as it spreads risk and increases the likelihood of achieving consistent returns.

The benefits of diversification include:

  •  Spreading Risk: By diversifying your trades across different assets and strategies, you reduce the risk of significant losses from any single position. This means that even if one of your trades performs poorly, other trades within your portfolio may perform well, balancing out any potential losses.
  • Capitalizing on Various Market Conditions: Different assets and strategies perform differently under various market conditions. Diversification allows you to capitalize on a wider range of market opportunities. For example, some assets may thrive in bullish markets, while others might perform better in bearish or sideways markets.
  • Maximizing Profit Potential: With more capital, you can open multiple positions in different markets, increasing your chances of finding profitable trades. By doing this, you are allowing yourself to explore different markets, assets, and sectors, each offering unique opportunities. 

Lower Transaction Costs

Larger accounts may qualify for lower transaction costs, which can save you money in the long run. At EdgeClear, funding with larger amounts will allow you to qualify for rate reductions. If you would like to learn more about this threshold, please contact your EdgeClear broker or reach out to our team.

Lower transaction costs provide several advantages:

  • Reduced Trading Expenses: Lower commissions and fees mean more of your capital stays in your account, increasing your overall profitability.
  • Increased Trade Frequency: With reduced costs, you can afford to take more opportunities as mentioned above without the worry of high fees eating into your profits.

Moreover, reduced transaction costs can also allow you to experiment with different trading strategies and systems without the burden of high fees. This can be particularly beneficial for newer traders who are still refining their approach and need the flexibility to make frequent adjustments.

Psychological Comfort

Trading with a higher balance can significantly reduce the stress and pressure associated with trading on a thin margin, leading to better decision-making and more disciplined trading practices. Psychological factors play a significant role in trading, and the peace of mind that comes with a well-funded account cannot be overstated.

The psychological benefits include:

  • Improved Decision-Making: Lower stress levels lead to clearer thinking and better decision-making overall, which is crucial for successful trading. When you are not constantly concerned about margin calls or significant drawdowns, you can put a heightened focus on analyzing the market and fine-tuning your trading plan.
  • Greater Confidence: Knowing you have a solid financial foundation gives you the confidence to stick to your trading plan and execute your strategies effectively. This confidence can empower you to take calculated risks without the fear of losses solely ruling your decision.
  • Long-Term Perspective: Having a well-capitalized account allows you to shift your focus towards the long-term, rather than being focused on just short-term gains or losses. In my opinion, a trader is much more likely to have a sustainable and profitable trading journey by focusing on the bigger picture. 

Additionally, the reduced psychological pressure can help prevent common trading mistakes such as overtrading or chasing losses. With a robust account balance, you are more likely to remain patient and disciplined, adhering to your trading plan and avoiding impulsive decisions driven by fear or desperation.

Building a House with a Strong Foundation

Imagine you are building a house. The foundation is the most critical part of the structure. If you skimp on the foundation, the house may stand initially but will be at high risk of collapsing under stress or adverse weather conditions.

Similarly, in trading, your account balance is like the foundation of your trading “house”. Funding your account closer to or above the minimum initial deposit ensures that you have a strong foundation. This strong foundation gives you stability, allowing you to weather market volatility, manage risks effectively, and build a robust trading strategy. Just as a house with a solid foundation provides safety and peace of mind, a well-funded trading account provides financial stability and confidence you need to trade effectively.

This analogy underscores the importance of not cutting corners when it comes to funding your trading account. Just as a solid foundation is essential for the long-term stability of a house, a well-funded account is critical for sustaining and growing your trading endeavors over time.


At EdgeClear, we emphasize the importance of adequate funding for a reason. A well-funded account provides increased flexibility, better risk management, access to more opportunities, lower transaction costs, and psychological comfort. These factors are crucial for disciplined trading and can significantly impact your overall performance and profitability.

While it may be tempting to start trading with the bare minimum, we strongly recommend funding your account with as close to our recommended minimums as possible, if not more. Doing so will provide you with a strong foundation to build your trading career and increase your chances of long-term success.

Remember, trading is a marathon, not a sprint. Building a solid foundation with adequate funding is the first step toward achieving your trading goals. If you have any questions or need further guidance on funding your account, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Happy trading!

Derivatives trading involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. 

~ Giancarlo Saraceno, Senior Commodities Broker

Contact Giancarlo Saraceno